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TMS - Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section! Here, you'll find answers to some of the most common inquiries that users like you have about our product.

Whether you're a new user looking for guidance or a seasoned pro seeking additional information, this comprehensive collection of questions and answers is designed to provide you with the help you need. Feel free to explore the FAQs below and discover the solutions you're looking for. If you don't find what you're searching for, don't hesitate to reach out to our Customer Excellence Team for further assistance.

What is the 3t Digital Training Management Software System?

The 3t Digital Training Management Software System is a comprehensive platform designed to streamline and enhance the management of training programs within your organisation. It facilitates training scheduling, enrollment, tracking, reporting, and more.

Is the TMS software customisation to our organisation's training needs?

Yes, the software is customisable to align with your organisation's unique training requirements. You can configure your training matrix, upload certificates & documents and set other parameters as a Training Administrator User.

Is the software user-friendly for both administrators and participants?

Yes, the software is designed with a user-friendly interface for administrators to manage training activities and for participants to engage in their training journey easily.

Can I track individual compliance progress using the software?

Yes, the software allows you to track individual progress on the Matrix. It captures attendance, completion of courses, and other relevant data, enabling you to monitor participants' learning journeys.

Can I generate reports on training performance?

Absolutely, the software generates detailed reports on various aspects of training performance. You can access reports on Compliance, bookings, certificate expiry, and more, providing valuable insights for analysis.

What kind of technical support is available for the software?

We offer comprehensive technical support to assist with any software-related issues or inquiries. Our Customer Excellence Team is available via email or through the software's support portal (Jira).

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