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CMS - Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section! Here, you'll find answers to some of the most common inquiries that users like you have about our product.

Whether you're a new user looking for guidance or a seasoned pro seeking additional information, this comprehensive collection of questions and answers is designed to provide you with the help you need. Feel free to explore the FAQs below and discover the solutions you're looking for. If you don't find what you're searching for, don't hesitate to reach out to our Customer Excellence Team for further assistance.

What is the 3t Digital Competency Management Software System?

The 3t Digital Competency Management Software System is a robust platform designed to effectively manage, assess, and enhance the competencies of employees within your organisation. It provides tools for competency mapping, assessment, development, and tracking.

How does the software assist in competency mapping?

The software facilitates competency mapping by allowing you to define the required competencies for various roles and positions within your organisation. It enables you to align employee skills with organisational goals.

Can I create personalised development plans for employees?

Absolutely, the software enables you to create personalised development plans based on the identified competency gaps. These plans outline specific learning activities and resources to help employees enhance their skills.

How does the software handle competency assessments?

The software provides tools for conducting competency assessments. You can define assessment criteria, track employee progress, and record assessment results to measure competency levels accurately.

Is the software customisable to fit our organisation's competency framework?

Absolutely, the software is highly customisable to align with your organisation's unique competency framework. You can define competencies, proficiency levels, and assessment criteria according to your needs.

Can I track the progress of employees' competency development?

Yes, the software allows you to track employees' competency development over time. It provides insights into their progress, highlighting areas of improvement and achievements.

Does the software integrate with existing HR and training systems?

The software is designed to integrate seamlessly with existing HR and training systems, ensuring a unified approach to competency management and leveraging existing data.

What kind of support is available for implementing and using the software?

We offer comprehensive support during the implementation and usage of the software. Our Customer Success & Excellence Teams provides assistance in setting up the system, training users, and addressing any technical queries.

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