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Viewing career opportunities

Skills Mapping

One of the key feature of the Skills Passport is skills mapping. Skills mapping is the functionality that allows users to see the industry standard qualification requirements for job role - sector combinations and then compare these against their own.

Upon first vising the skills mapping page, the user is shown help text explaining how to use the functionality on page.


Users can use the drop down filters to select a job role and a sector, they are then shown the list of qualification requirements for that combination. The qualifications are shown in a hierarchical tree display and are split into 3 categories, role specific vocational qualifications, role specific ‘top up’ training requirements, and sector specific safety and survival training requirements.

Also from this view users can see whether or not they have the required qualifications in their Skills Passport by observing the status icon for each requirement. Green for when the user has achieved this qualification, grey for when the user does not have this qualification in their Skills Passport.


This Skills Mapping function is a powerful tool for personal development and career planning.

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