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Course Directory

Selecting the Course Directory will give you the option to view AIS, Internal or Third Party courses.

AIS Courses

This shows a list of all AIS Training courses, here you can search for a specific course using the ‘Search’ bar and then pressing the ‘Search’ button.

 Once you have selected a course, you can view dates, request to book the course, or book the course using the ‘Actions’ button.

Third Party Courses (TPS)

This show a list of all courses AIS Training supplies through its approved suppliers, here you can search for a specific course or supplier using the ‘Search’ bar and then pressing the ‘Search’ button, you can also show all and sync courses from the AIS TMS system using the Re-Pull Info From TMS’

Once you have selected a course, request to book the course, or book the course using the ‘Actions’ button.

Internal Courses

This allows you to create your own library of courses that you manage, again you can search for a specific course using the ‘Search’ bar and then pressing the ‘Search’ button. The Add button allows you to create a new internal course

You can also edit or delete an internal course using the ‘Actions’ button

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