If these tips have not solved your problem, please follow the instructions below to contact our Customer Support Team for further assistance.
Next Steps:
Please contact our Customer Support Team via the Jira Support Portal and provide a screenshot of your internet speed test and answers to the following questions:
Please advise if the performance issues you are experiencing in the system is only effecting specific user types?
Please advise which area of the system you are experiencing issues with?
Please advise the exact task you were performing when this issue occurred?
Please advise if the system performance issues are occurring all the time, or periodically?
If the system is periodically slow, are you aware of any other users running reports or processing large volumes of data?
Has the system only started performing in this way or has there been a performance issue ongoing for a while? If so, can you recall when this first started happening?
Please advise what internet connection you are using?
Ethernet Connection
Mobile data (3G/4G/5G)
Please advise if you have multiple company location that access this system and if users from all sites are all experiencing this performance issue?
Other (Please specify)
What internet browser are you using?
Once a ticket is raised the Customer Support Team will be able to investigate this and potentially make some suggestions as to what the cause of system performance issue could be.