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TMS Troubleshooting Guides - Delegate & Learner Issues

TMS Troubleshooting Guides - Delegate & Learner Issues

If you can't find the solution you're looking for here, you can log into our Support Portal, and contact one of our Helpdesk team members, who will be happy to assist.

If you don’t have access to the areas mentioned, please contact your Account Manager or Administrator and they will be able to do this for you.

An Employee cannot access their TMS account.

Employees can only access their TMS account if they’re account status is set to unlocked. If the account has been locked, you need will to amend their personal information in TMS and change their account status. Once their account is unlocked, they will need to be send their first time password email, you can do this by clicking ‘Send First Time Password Set Email' in the persona information section.

A delegates certificate is not appearing in their account.

Once a certificate as been generated in the AIS booking system it is only visible to Administrators until you change the certificate status to ‘Issued’. Once the certificate is set to ‘Issued’ the delegate/user will be able to view and download these.

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