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Job Roles

You will find all the job roles, for example Mechanical Technician, here. You can edit, add, delete or use this category to view the level of competence, number of people assigned to a job role and active assessments.

  • Create Role

  • Search for job role

  • Edit, duplicate or delete job roles

  • View roles and view/edit competencies

Adding Competence Assessment Requirement

Once you have clicked the above button for ‘View /Edit Competence Assessment Requirements’ you will see this screen below

To add a competence assessment, click on the ‘Choose A Competence Assessment’ button and select one from the dropdown menu, then click the ‘Add Competence Assessment’ button

You will now see a list of added competence assessments, to remove these simply press the ‘Remove’ button.

Adding a new job role

Once you have clicked on the ‘Create Role’ button above you will see this screen below simply enter the name of the job role in the ‘Name’ field and click on the ‘Create Job Role’ button.

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